A week and a half ago I had the chance to go to the temple one evening while Blair stayed home with the kids. I regret not recording my thoughts and feelings quickly thereafter because as is often the case, what was vivid, crisp, and poignant has now faded a bit. Even so, I wanted to write down some of my feelings and my testimony of the temple, particularly for my children. First, the temple is a place of learning. And learning, in my experience, is not a linear experience. I receive a steady strength from the temple when I attend, but bursts of intelligence and strong spiritual experiences are intermittent. So don't feel frustrated when those moments aren't constant. I believe learning is still happening and if nothing else, the Lord is testing your faith and steadiness until He's ready to provide you with more. Second, the temple has taught me more than any other place or experience in life, about who I am eternally, the depth of my Heavenly Parent's love for m...