I feel this keen need to record my life lately. I hope this isn't because I'm going to get hit by a bus or malled by a bear in the next few weeks. Do you like how I jumped to the most morbid scenarios? My mind just works that way I guess. I was on a plane experiencing heavy turbulence just last week and while most of the passengers around me were keeping their cool, girlfriend here was losing her shizzle. Within the space of probably five minutes of turbulence, I mentally turned over parental custody to my sister Kearstin, watched my funeral, and with deep sorrow left them all behind and went to heaven. I need therapy...for realsies.
Anyway, now that we got that out of the way...
Life is a little crazy lately. Blair is in the process of interviewing for radiology jobs and I cannot seem to grasp the reality that we are actually at this point in our lives! Our medical schooling and training journey has been such a hard and fun adventure. We've lived in Grenada, New York City, Pennsylvania, and Utah. We've met incredible people and made friendships to last a lifetime along the way. Its been a decade on this journey, but in some ways it went by so so fast. I can't believe at this time next year, we'll be settling into a home and a long-term job. Crazy! I guess it's about time we settle down and have an adult life somewhere, but the nomad in me cringes at the thought of not packing up and moving to another location in 4 years. I guess we'll just have to continue to travel a lot.
This month is a little crazy. Blair interviews in Colorado Springs next week, Missoula Montana the next, and then Austin the last week of September. We may have an upcoming interview in Arizona as well and Geisinger Hospital back in Pennsylvania made Blair an offer to come back. We have a lot of big decisions ahead of us - decisions that will affect our children, their education, relationships, etc. It's a daunting task, but made easier with the knowledge that the Lord loves us and will direct us exactly where we need to be. As I reflect on our travels and experiences over the last ten years, the indelible hand of the Lord is always in the frame. I can see the way He has nudged us, helped us, and guided us every step of the way. I am extremely grateful.
Maddy is the smartest, sassiest, most imaginative four-year-old this side of the Nile. Today I was outside cleaning out the car in the driveway, while she played with her friend, Kate, across the street. They were happily playing for 30 minutes or so when Maddy ran to the edge of Kate's yard and said, "Mom! Do you need any help cleaning those mats?" I giggled and told her that I was fine. I thought it was so sweet that she was thinking of helping me while she was clearly having so much fun with her friend. She's a great helper around the house and frequently thinking of others. If all of us are sitting and chatting in the backyard, she'll run inside and fill five cups up with water and bring them out to us. She loves serving others. She's a very social gal, but also loves to just play by herself sometimes and get lost in her own imagination. Before bed lately she wants to stand up on the fireplace and give us all a "lesson". It's a hilarious mixture of church, school, and pop culture references.
Henry has us all wrapped around his little fingers. He is so happy and easy-going. His vocabulary is pretty extensive and I'm constantly amazed at all that he comprehends at his age. I frequently tell him to grab a diaper, throw something away, or do some random task and I'm stunned that he actually understands and complies with the request. He is a snuggly little sweetheart and absolutely melts my heart with his laugh and hilarious facial expressions. We can't imagine our little family without him.