Bathroom Doors Closing

I grew up in a family of females.  Six to be exact with one brother and a dad.  Before we moved to Fruit Heights, six of us children shared one tiny bathroom.  The door of the bathroom was almost never closed.  Every morning my sisters ratted their Cindi Lauper hair with purple and pink picks.  They combed the hair out from their temples, blasted it with Aquanet, blow-dried the stickiness, and transformed themselves into huge-headed birds with hairy wings.  In between all of this my brother stumbled in, did his hair, and even dabbed a little bit of my sister's makeup on his reddened zits when they weren't looking.  Somewhere in this teenage mix of vanity, one of the older sisters did mine and Lindsay's hair while we sat our OshKosh B'Gosh bums down on the white porcelain.  
At any rate, bathrooms were a busy place growing up.  If one of us had to pee, we didn't wait to usher the whole big-haired gang out of the premises.  We simply embraced the publicity of the loo.

And so when I got married, this openness in the bathroom followed me down the isle.  Blair and I don't really close doors.  In fact, if I inadvertently close the door while I'm going to the bathroom, like clockwork Blair peaks in the door and looks at me wondering if something is wrong.  As I said, we've apparently established ourselves as an open door family.

But four years into marriage, I'm feeling a little shy about my doors.

I want them shut.

I want to go to the bathroom by myself.

I don't want to plug my nose while I do my makeup.

Any advice?  Are you and your husband open or closed door bathroomers?


Kami Beck said…
Ash--Thanks for the big-hair made possible through Aquanet memory. I close the door every time. I don't think I was always this way, but certainly the last decade or so. Maybe it's because my house is a zoo. The only exception is if a toddler manages to pick the lock and let himself in. It's my rare solitary time. I think I heard Dr. Laura say once that I woman should not let her man see her on the pot. I could just be making that up, but it sounds like good advice to me. Good luck--I'm happy you and Blair are so bonded! Thank goodness for more than one bathroom--those were the days!
I'm not usually this open about my bathroom life but with my daughter I have an open door policy...and that will probably last till she starts asking questions. With my husband we have a "privacy" policy meaning when one of us is doing a
"#2" we simply say I need some privacy and then the other person knows to leave and shut the door. Otherwise it's open door policy for us...I just don't want him to hear or see and he doesn't want it either ha ha ha.
Ali Snow said…
We are usually open door folk...especially in the master bathroom.
Kalli said…
I long for the days of my own bathroom. The first two years Paul and I were married we each had our own bathroom. I miss those day. I miss them bad. Now we only have one for all 4 of us and it suuucks.

I was just thinking about it yesterday in the shower when the Nub kept pulling the curtain back every 5 seconds and the other kid squawked on the floor how nice it would be for no one ever to see me naked unless I wanted them to. Those days are long gone and so is my privacy.
Kim said…
Ok, I like to leave the door shut if possible, but Mike could care less. I've learned that peeing with the door open I can handle, but #2 I definitely shut the door and Mike will tease me. I like my privacy! Mike will go in front of me whenever and he could care less. I think it's a guy thing... He also grew up in a house with 8 other siblings so they didn't get much privacy. I got more privacy than him so maybe that's why I care more. When we were dating I swore I would NEVER even pee in front of him and now I don't care as much. It's funny how you grow more and more comfortable around each other. :)
Unknown said…
Ooh, we are DEFINITELY a closed door couple. One big reasons is that David shared a bathroom with 3 sisters and hated every minute of it. Having the bathroom all to himself still feels like a luxury. Since I don't even like using public restrooms when other people are in there, it's not a big deal for me to stay out of his way, and he fortunately returns the favor.

Timing does get awkward sometimes, since we only have one teeny tiny bathroom for the two of us, and I'm sure it will get more complicated with kids, but for now we're both quite happy with the arrangement.

Seriously, the thought of even peeing in front my husband gives me the heebies. Does that make me a prude?

(Side note: the word verification is "reaker." Appropriate, no?)
Maren said…
open door totally... but i won't do #2 and Ry won't either if the other one is around. Lucy thinks when we're going to the bathroom it is time for her to follow us - she never follows me any other time.
shelby said…
we were open-door policy for the first few years, but that has changed, so we can spice things up. plus we have a 3-year-old that doesn't need to see those things.

jen, the heebies are ok. seriously, should anyone pee in front of anyone? no, it's disgusting, and then we just get too comfortable when we're married.
Krista said…
Ashley you crack me up! Kris and I are open door goers. On our honeymoon we both got food poisoning and spent about a week taking turns running to the bathroom. From that time on, we've always had it open.
Maria said…
I love when you write post like these. Oh how do I miss you! My secret is to always lock the door. That is the only way I can keep some sort of privacy. Please come move close to me!!!
Arien said…
We don't have a door to our master bathroom toilet it is an 'open' when you have kids all your privacy goes out the door anyway. Reagan wants to sit on my lap half the time when I am using the restroom! Good luck!

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