Anxiety Closet
Anxiety: an unpleasant feeling that is typically associated with uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry.
I have problems.
I mean, I don't have to blow into a brown paper bag every time I step into an elevator or wash my hands every time I touch a door handle. But I have issues. Social issues. I've discovered three of them in recent months. They have to do with HOMETOWN GROCERY STORES, WEDDING RECEPTIONS, AND PHONES.
I want to wear a ski mask every time I walk into a grocery store in my hometown. I kid not. Now that I've lived away for more than eight years, somehow the prospect of running into people that I knew way back when gives me anxiety. It's not that I don't like the people I grew up with. It's not that I got knocked up as a teenager, ran away from home, and now I'm afraid to lurk back into suburbia with my skeletons clinging to my sneakers. I've lived a pretty normal life, so I shouldn't be so afraid of running into people. Maybe I'm afraid I'll run into someone whose name I don't remember or vice versa. Or maybe it's that my new-found Grenadian granola girl hairstyle doesn't compete with all of the Utah girls who go to Albertson's in stilettos and eyeliner. Whatever the case, this is the first thing I need to bring up with a potential therapist.
Does anyone else hate going to wedding receptions for people they don't even know? I swear every time I come home my mom tries to drag me to some random wedding reception. As the aforementioned definition explains, this situation gives me a severely unpleasant feeling. Last night after my dad refused to play rock, paper, scissors to decide who was going to the reception with my mom, I literally hid in the basement. I hid in the closet reading a book while my mom called for me at the top of the stairs. (I shouldn't be admitting this) I felt a thrill of excitement as I sensed her retreat and eventually heard her step out the door without her hostage escort. Wedding receptions give me anxiety.
The granddaddy of my social issues is telephones. I don't know when this started. I don't know why, but whenever my cell phone rings I tinkle just a little. My heart races, I pretend to not hear it buzzing, and then I almost always let it go to voice-mail. If it's someone I know, I call back five minutes later. Somehow this makes me feel in control of the situation. I'm making the call - initiating the conversation. They can't possibly spring something on me that I'm not expecting - sudden death in the family, last minute babysitter needed, meeting at the Pentagon, etc. The list goes on and on. So my dear friends, if I don't answer your phone call rest assured I will call you back. If I legitimately didn't see your call (which happens a lot), I'll call you back as soon as I get your message.
Don't be offended by my social issues.
Can you share some of yours so I don't feel like such a weirdee?
If your anxiety slate is clean, can you refer me to a therapist?
Thank you,
I have problems.
I mean, I don't have to blow into a brown paper bag every time I step into an elevator or wash my hands every time I touch a door handle. But I have issues. Social issues. I've discovered three of them in recent months. They have to do with HOMETOWN GROCERY STORES, WEDDING RECEPTIONS, AND PHONES.
I want to wear a ski mask every time I walk into a grocery store in my hometown. I kid not. Now that I've lived away for more than eight years, somehow the prospect of running into people that I knew way back when gives me anxiety. It's not that I don't like the people I grew up with. It's not that I got knocked up as a teenager, ran away from home, and now I'm afraid to lurk back into suburbia with my skeletons clinging to my sneakers. I've lived a pretty normal life, so I shouldn't be so afraid of running into people. Maybe I'm afraid I'll run into someone whose name I don't remember or vice versa. Or maybe it's that my new-found Grenadian granola girl hairstyle doesn't compete with all of the Utah girls who go to Albertson's in stilettos and eyeliner. Whatever the case, this is the first thing I need to bring up with a potential therapist.
Does anyone else hate going to wedding receptions for people they don't even know? I swear every time I come home my mom tries to drag me to some random wedding reception. As the aforementioned definition explains, this situation gives me a severely unpleasant feeling. Last night after my dad refused to play rock, paper, scissors to decide who was going to the reception with my mom, I literally hid in the basement. I hid in the closet reading a book while my mom called for me at the top of the stairs. (I shouldn't be admitting this) I felt a thrill of excitement as I sensed her retreat and eventually heard her step out the door without her hostage escort. Wedding receptions give me anxiety.
The granddaddy of my social issues is telephones. I don't know when this started. I don't know why, but whenever my cell phone rings I tinkle just a little. My heart races, I pretend to not hear it buzzing, and then I almost always let it go to voice-mail. If it's someone I know, I call back five minutes later. Somehow this makes me feel in control of the situation. I'm making the call - initiating the conversation. They can't possibly spring something on me that I'm not expecting - sudden death in the family, last minute babysitter needed, meeting at the Pentagon, etc. The list goes on and on. So my dear friends, if I don't answer your phone call rest assured I will call you back. If I legitimately didn't see your call (which happens a lot), I'll call you back as soon as I get your message.
Don't be offended by my social issues.
Can you share some of yours so I don't feel like such a weirdee?
If your anxiety slate is clean, can you refer me to a therapist?
Thank you,
I know this sounds weird but Relief Society meetings give me anxiety. Yesterday they decided to relieve all of us in the YW and Primary to go to Relief Society. I was stoked because I would finally be able to hear a grown up lesson. What they decided to do was a mix and mingle thing and I groaned thinking about all the conversation I would have to drum up. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but anxiety provoking none the less. You're not alone.
just this morning i got a call from a family in my mission. i got so anxious that i wouldn't understand them well enough over the phone, or that they wouldn't understand me. my anxiety got the best of me and i never answered! now i just keep listening to their message on my voicemail over and over.
I do have death anxiety. it began when my sweet gramps died with me in my car unexpectedly. While in provo I got it even when my hubby would go to school. Fortunately I have had a little therapy and it is getting better, but anxiety is anxiety no matter what it's about and it tries to creap in like a luv handle and never leave. Maybe I'll leave you the four steps I've found super useful to combating anxiety on a voicemail;) thanks for sharing.
my phone ringing
my home town
extended family reunions
crunching ice
ward activities
ordering food
excessive eyeliner on other people
large gatherings
asking for favors
breast feeding and birthing stories
public pools
dressing rooms
really this list could go on forever
and ever
you are not alone
Why didn't we become roommates...honestly?