Movie Review Weekend

Yay for three-day weekends! Blair is studying like crazy for the MCAT, so our weekend thus far has consisted of flashcards, practice tests, and movie breaks.
Movie Weekend Recommendation #1: Lars And The Real Girl
We rented this movie after my mom recommended it a few weeks ago. I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting much but when the Blockbuster worker gave us her lively opinion of the movie, we started to get a little excited. For all of you who have a slightly dry sense of humor and a taste for brilliant movies like "Joe Versus the Volcano", you will LOVE this movie! I was dying laughing throughout the whole thing and crying in the end. Loved it. Two enthusiastic thumbs up, Lars.

All I can say is "I want my two hours back!" I NEVER would have seen this of my own volition. I used to love Indiana Jones as a kid, but after I had heard the reviews, I was fully prepared to just wait for this flick to make it to Red Box. Blair, however, will honestly see whatever movie is out there, regardless of the reviews, and has been begging me for days to go see Harrison's last hoorah with him. Last night after Blair gets done studying at 10:30, he says to me "Ash, let's go get a treat." I'm always up for a late-night treat so off we headed down the street in our pj's. We passed every restaurant in the valley and Blair still hadn't seen anything he wanted. I was starting to get suspicious about where Blair was really taking us because he's not usually very picky about treats like that. After we'd driven for about 15 minutes we stumbled to a screeching halt at Blair's premeditated destination...the movie theater. I of course threw a fit and locked my door when Blair came around to get it and said I wasn't going to see Indiana's Skull or whatever it's called at 11:00 in my pajamas! Needless to say we came to an agreement that I would see it with him if we bought me a diet coke and a treat. You can get through almost any movie with a good beverage and chocolate, right? Not right!! Probably one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. Sorry Blair :)
Has anyone else seen these movies? Thoughts please. Our friendship rests upon your opinions - don't dissapoint me. jk.
i thought indy was dumb too
but i had cherry coke to see me through so i survived
Thanks again for coming to see us yesterday. You and Blair are extraordinary!
mccall - I should have known...good thing we've been friends for a bagillion years which prevents me from unfriending you now :)
Rach & Mel - I knew you two would love that movie! Can we have a "book club" meeting soon?