Maddy Tidbits

Maddy Tidbits:
- You are 18 months, little one, and growing way too fast!
- You're officially a toddler, walking and running around the house. You go from room to room, exploring all the drawers and corners, looking for treasures.
- You love to play tag with mama around the house. But, like me, you can't stand to be chased, so you turn around and run towards me while laughing and then collapse into by arms. It's the cutest thing ever!
- You've become quite the little fish this summer. You love the water, especially running through the fountains at the splash pad and playing with our hose in the front yard.
- You've recently acquired a hilarious accent - instead of mama, you constantly yell "Mamay! Mamay"
- You love when Daddy comes home to tickle you and toss you on the bed.
- You drive us crazy at meal time by throwing your food! haha.
- You love giving snuggles and kisses
- You are so smart! I can't believe how many words you're understanding and saying every day.
- You love to make us laugh. You'll walk around the house with a blanket on your head, covering your face, and then you'll quickly snatch it off to scare us.
- When we say 'Surprise!' your eyes go wide, your mouth makes an oval, and you give us the best surprised expression ever!
Love you, Maddy Lou. I'm so proud of you!