Dead Bloggers & Saudi Arabians

Oh hi there!

Is this thing still on?

I know there are like four of you faithfuls out there checking on this blog every now and again - my mom, my dad, some person in Saudi Arabia, and maybe one of my sisters when she's not wiping runny noses and bums. 

Hi guys.

I'm not dead.  I'm just busy.  And lazy.  And up to my eyeballs in finger-paralyzing writer's block.

Oh and my computer crashed and I lost Photoshop.  And everyone knows people from my Millennial Generation are virtually incapable of posting photos online that haven't been actioned, instagrammed, teeth whitened, freaky-white-eyed, or otherwise touched up by the pixel goddesses. 

So that's my other excuse. 

But I'm comin' out of it, readers.

I haven't figured out what to do with this blog yet.  We all know scrapbooking isn't my thing and feeling the obligation to document every trip, every date night, etc. is enough to give me an ulcer.  I want to write.  I want to share.  But I'm not crafty and good at documenting every little thing.  Also, I'm kind of worried that what I like to share is often very personal and sometimes offensive.  Do I go private?  Do I change this blog into something else? Is blogging so 2010?

Advise, please....

All four of you. 

You too, Saudi.


Krista said…
Well you can count a 5th person who still reads your blog! Me...don't stop writing. Blogging may be soo 2010, but for your long lost family out here in Washington we love hearing about your life and you are such a talented writer, so keep trudging along. Even if its just every few months!
Amy Miller said…
I love your blog Ashley! you are such a talented write, I think you should write a book, and I'm totally picky about authors! You're fabulous and awesome!
Amber said…
I love reading your blog. You are such a great writer, and have a great way of sharing your thoughts and experiences. Going private would be a way to go if that would help you feel better and feel like you could write more. But keep sharing!
Unknown said…
I'm still here too! And I'm having the exact same dilemma. Keep blogging? About what? I'm not ready to let it die, I've got things to say, but I'm just not sure where to take things. Glad I'm not alone.

Also, I really hope your Saudi stalker posts a comment. That would be kind of rad.
Reece said…
You can add me as your 5th person! I love reading your blog! Happy Late Birthday by the way! :-D
Anonymous said…
وأرى أنه يجب متابعة هوك

Lindsay said…
I also go back and forth on whether or not to keep blogging -- who really cares about what I post anyway? But then I remember what a release it is for me to write and what a unique record of life in our family I've created over the years. And so I keep going (as soon as the crippling bouts of writers block ease up, that is). I say if you enjoy it, keep going -- forget about who's reading or what you post about. If it's a burden, then stop. It's your blog, after all. (I, for one, though, would love you to keep going -- I enjoy the little peeks you share through the windows you write about.) :)
For those of us who somehow missed the Facebook train, blogging is the next best thing. :) Just think you won't have to answer as many questions at the High School reunion- or even go!

And yes, its SO 2010.
Andrea said…
And just so you know the "Meadows Relief Society" is me. Whoopsies.
Seth and Leia said…
I actually live in California. Not Saudi Arabia. :) Keep blogging!
Chan N Lan said…
I love reading your blog. Your such a talented writer. Its refreshing and wonderful :)
McKenzie said…
Not offensive, wonderful! Uplifting! And we follow you too. (: Keep blogging!
Julie Winckler said…
I'll probably never see you again but I always enjoy your blog. :) There is more to your story. Keep writing!
ash said…
keep blogging! i read too! :) also, did you get photoshop back? do you know i work for adobe and can buy it for you for a ridiculously low price if needed?
let me know if you need it.
Marce said…
I love that you got a comment from Saudi- even of its an impostor! Hecka funny.

And never ever ever stop posting. I love your blog- its one of my faves- you have a gift with words and emotion. Fight through the block, just write, and quit been such a ninny. You've got this.

Love you Ash. Hope you're doing well in that big crazy city! xoxo
Marce said…
PS Been = being, said in my Cuban Latina accent.
Sarah Dhillon said…
Keep it up Ashley! I like reading your blog... you are a wonderful writer and your musings make me smile.
charity said…
Amen. I believe you should keep Hawking (at least, that's what google translate said Saudi wrote) AND blogging! It would be a shame to stop exactly at the same moment I start reading. I might get offended. ;)
Don't ever stop blogging. I'm sorry I don't comment much but I LOVE to read your blog. You are a very talented writer and I love that you share such personal things. You can use your blog to do writing and turn it into a book...or just for fun but DON'T stop:)
Dear Cousin...I have been checking, and waiting, and checking some more!! Hooray!!! I am so happy you have returned to the blogging world! I am pretty sure I too, only know about 5 total people that blog anymore, but I am grateful for those that still do :-) I am happy to see that you and Blair are still alive and kickin' :-) Wish I were there to celebrate spring in NYC with you!!

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