Memorable Indeed

Our Christmas this year was a memorable one for a lot of reasons.  In the weeks leading up to Christmas, we put up our tree (more on that later), saw the tree lighting at Rockefeller Center, soaked up the magical New York City window displays, saw the decorations & Santa at Macy's, went to see the Nutcracker by the NYC Ballet, went to my company Christmas party, and snuggled up to watch Christmas movies basically every night.  We planned to stay here for Christmas and enjoy our first Christmas alone and celebrate our days off with friends.

On Christmas Eve I woke up to a plate full of half-eaten cookies at my bedside with a note from Santa.  Santa had written that he had to come a day early to our house to deliver a very special present.  Blair turned on the laptop next to the plate of cookies, unveiling my Christmas surprise - tickets home to Utah that night.  I of course turned into a gooey ball of weeping mess.  I don't think I realized until right then how badly I wanted to see my family for Christmas.  Blair ushered me into the living room where the twinkling Christmas lights were illuminating all of Santa's presents.  My sweet husband is so thoughtful and always spoils me rotten.  I got to surprise him with gifts as well, but I couldn't help but feel spoiled with how special he made Christmas for me.

That night we took a red-eye flight home to Utah.  Only Blair's brother and Dad knew about the surprise, so we snuck down into the basement and slept there.  On Christmas morning while everyone was gathered around the tree, Blair and I crept up the stairs, burst into the living room, and surprised everyone.  I had never seen Blair's mom cry until Christmas morning when she saw him.

In the afternoon I called my mom to wish her a Merry Christmas.  She wished me one in return, asked how things were in New York, and started telling me how stressed she was about cooking her Christmas feast for my sister Kami and her family of 8.  While she carried on about the ham and the cheesy potatoes, Blair and I drove over to my parent's house and rang the doorbell.  My mom told me someone was at the door.  "Do you want me to let you go," I said, "No, no.  I'm sure it's nothing important," she said.  When she opened the door and saw us with the phone still up to her ear, she let out a scream I'm sure they heard in Tanzania.  I cried when I hugged my dad.  I didn't realize how much I'd missed him.  We chatted a little bit around the tree and my mom quickly cut the chit chat and put us to work on the feast in the kitchen.

That night we ate and laughed the way you only do with your family.  We went to the hospital to see Grandpa Holding who had just been admitted due to a stroke.  He couldn't speak as we stood around his hospital bed, but he understood what we were saying and laughed and shook his head when we asked him questions.  That was the last time I would see him awake.  He died several days later.  I was grateful for Santa's Christmas Eve surprise for multiple reasons, but perhaps the greatest reason was getting to see my Grandpa again before he passed.

A memorable Christmas indeed.

Prepare yourself for an onslaught of low res camera phone photos.

Tree lighting at Rockefeller Center.  My work has a world store at Rockefeller Center, so they throw an annual party there during the tree lighting.  We had VIP passes to see the lighting up close.  So fun and so cold.

Seeing the twinkling lights, the hanging star, and the magical window displays on 5th avenue.

Window displays

Got to visit with McCall and see her little guy for the first time.  Such a smiley little twerp.  I want to steal him.

Shopping with my sisters... A far too frequent past time.

 Met up with our best friends Stef and Jerod and saw their new Olivia.  I think I'll kidnap her too. Oh my - she is the most beautiful newborn I've ever seen.


What a great Christmas surprise and it definitely was a blessing. It was good to see you again. I wish we could have seen you guys more growing up.
Whitney said…
That was an awesome Christmas surprise! I kind of want to do that to my family next year!!!!!
Lindsay said…
What an awesome surprise -- all around! I'm with Whitney -- I'd love to surprise my mom like that one of these days. :)
Marce said…
i seriously cried reading this. like really globby wet tears. how do you do that to me? i don't know. loved reading about your Christmas-- i felt goosies all over my arms and legs. such a genuine soul, you are!
mccall said…
I can't tell you how great it was to see you guys while you were here. Thanks so much for taking the time to come visit us! It had been way, way too long. Glad you got to meet the little twirp. He LOVED you guys!

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