Blogging Procrastination & Mormon Bands

 Ok. I really will do a legitimate update about all of our recent shenanigans. I'm just a little overwhelmed by the prospect of it, that's all. I'm sure I'll get over it soon. In the meantime, I read a cool article recently about a band that I've been digging. Is that even what the kids are saying these days? "Digging"? I'm feeling like a very un-hip 27 year old. Dang it.

Anyway, this new band. I don't know how I stumbled upon their music because their style is a little different from the stuff I usually listen to. But I liked their sound and their lyrics. Today I read an article on the band's drummer, Elaine Bradley. I'm not in a rock band.  I know you're all surprised what with my cool Old Navy clothes and polka dot headbands.  Heck, I'm not even good at playing Rock Band.  But I related to some of her sentiments on learning to be honest with oneself, with God, and embracing the opportunity to explore one's passions without exploring the murky waters of a valueless world.

I don't idolize the members of the band or necessarily want to put them on a poster for Mormon role models (I don't know if anyone would want to be on that poster). But I respect their desire to pursue their love for music without simultaneously perusing the isles of alcohol, sex, and drugs. I like this band. Even if their lead singer's hair is obnoxious.

You can check out the article on Elaine here 


Unknown said…
These guys are friends of some of my best friends. Good people and great musicians. I'm glad you like them!
Marce said…
You're funny Miss Ashley.
For the record: I miss hearing about your shenanigans.

And I really wish we lived in Utah for you to photograph my little family!!! Someday. Someday. :)

Kalli said…
I love the Neon Trees, so stoked for their success.

Mostly I want you to come back though.

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