A Year Of Gratitude Comin' Right Up

It’s strange to me that you’re still covered in snow. It’s strange for me to smell like sunscreen and sweat when just a few days ago we were bundled up in the chilly air. Alas, here we are…back on the island of Spice for one last time. I feel all sad and gooey every time I talk about leaving Grenada, so I think we’ll avoid eye contact with that subject for the time being. For now let’s talk about resolutions…
As I’ve thought it about it today, I guess I only really have one resolution this year and that’s to be grateful.

One day over the break, I found myself sitting on my sister Lindsay’s couch. I spent the morning playing with Grace, laughing at her monotone singing and hilarious storytelling. And in the early afternoon, I was nestled in the cozy leather couch, holding my two-week old niece against me. Her breath patterned the rise and fall of my chest and her hair smelled of vanilla cupcakes with sprinkles on top. As I pressed my cheek against her warm head, a feeling of complete gratitude unexpectedly began filling the holes in my heart. In an instant, all of my previous feelings of sadness, frustration, and impatience around the subject of fertility seemed to drown in a reservoir of gratitude…gratitude for the opportunity to love my brother and sister’s children. In that moment I was filled with gratitude for the absolute miracle of being an aunt to so many beautiful boys and girls.

And so I guess my resolution for 2011 is to be grateful. I’m going to be grateful for my husband and not compare our lives to everyone around us who seems to be more perfect. I’m going to be grateful for my body and treat it well by staying active and healthy. I’m going to cherish my time in Grenada and be grateful for the experiences we’re having here. I’m going to embrace the next chapter of our lives and look for ways to grow and learn as we face new challenges and new opportunities.

I have a feeling 2011 is going to be a great year. And if it’s not… I’ll try to be grateful for it anyway

What are your New Year’s Resolutions? Please share…


Zane and Lexi said…
As you know, this subject hits home for me too. I truly do know some of the feelings you describe.

But I'm so 'grateful' for your positive outlook, which is why MY new years resolution is to be 'grateful' for my little ones and all the messes and all the whining, the sleepless nights and the piles of dirty clothes. It's hard to realize how 'perfect' each of our lives are sometimes :) We are pretty jealous that you are still on that island though.

Love you guys...
Jenae said…
My resolution is to be more like you!... lofty goal, I know! Your optimism and strength is inspiring, and I adore you.
Jazzy said…
Hi Friend!

I love your writing and your thoughts.

My goals are to make a successful move to NYC (or somewhere in the area)and to make our finances a beautiful system of budgets and organization. Sounds fun, doesn't it?

Oh yeah and to be a good wife, mom yadada...whatevs.
Jamie said…
My new year resolution is not to have any. That may sound bad, but I always end up felling like a complete failure. Instead, I am just going to take each day as it comes and LIVE it. I too have learned a lot about gratitude (living away from home I think does that.) I have learned some tremendous life lessons over the last 2 years and I look forward to the trials and lessons of this year...that I will accept with a grateful heart. :) Thanks for your wisdom.
Unknown said…
Grateful. Good choice. Harder than it seems sometimes, but definitely something I try to be mindful of.

This year, I'm going for simplicity. I think being grateful for what I have will help immensely in that, actually.
Jazzy said…
Yay for NYC! K--now remind me (as if I knew at some point) why you guys are heading up there? I've gathered Blair is going to med school...right? So are you going there for a residency? I need the deets, give me the deets. We just might actually have to exchange emails or Facebook at some point. I dunno. Yes! we can totally be friends! However, I think we'll probably live in NJ or CT. After living in Manhattan this summer I feel very strongly that the best time to live in NYC is either before you have kids or after they leave home :) But it is a once in a life-time opportunity and I'm thinking you're going to love it. I have loads of tips when you guys start making your plans to head over there :)
Alec and Emily said…
This subject hits home as well. I liked how you put it though. Being grateful for the things we do have makes the things we don't seem that much easier to deal with. I hope 2011 is full of good things for you guys and happy memories!!!
You're an incredible mother already!! I loved watching you hold my babies....so grateful to have you as my sister!!
Andrew said…
One of ours is to go to bed right now.

Our latest is to keep reading the Willis blog and sit back in awe as you put a new spark into blogspot. You and your tabs rock.

We're (I'm) tired. Can you tell, Willard?

Blog on. And keep inspiring.
Laurie said…
I didn't know your sister had another baby! I'm glad you got to visit with them and enjoy them.

I will pray that your babies will come along quickly cause I know you will be the best mom in the world. It could even be that the longer you have to wait, the more precious they will be to you.

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