New Kid On The Heavenly Block

By eleven o'clock today I was convinced that my day was shaping up to be a crummy mess.  A combination of car problems, a brief tiff with my husband, and thinking that I was having hallucinations in the grocery store all converged to ruin my morning. I'll have to tell you the details of the grocery store hallucinations later, but basically it boils down to this...Every. single. person today in the grocery store was acting like

a) they knew who I was
b) we were long lost friends
c) I was a celebrity  and
d) they needed to be extra nice to me

I am NOT joking people.  For starters, Grenadian grocery store workers are not exactly Santa's cheerful elves.  You're usually lucky if you get a smile out of one of them.  They don't converse with you typically and most of the time when you say thank you, they don't reply at all.  So imagine my confusion/horror when get this... the cashier smiled and laughed and said it was sooooo good to see me this morning and she missed seeing me there.  The bagger kept smiling at me and asking me how I was doing.  Two baggers in other isles went out of their way to say hello and ask how I was doing.  And... two strangers in the parking lot looked up from what they were doing and waved at me from a distance!!!!!!

I am not joking I thought that I had died.  I honestly thought to myself

"I freaking died and didn't know it, didn't I?!  I'm just going throughout my dead person day and all of these people are being super nice to me because they know I'm the new kid in heaven."

I eventually went home and made a turkey sandwich.  I turned on my computer and watched "Last Night On TV" and scarfed down my sandwich and convinced myself that I must not be dead.  Certainly they would have better television shows up there in heaven. 

Why am I telling you all of this?  As if you didn't think I was weird enough....  The point of all of this is today was kind of a crummy day until I decided to go volunteer at the Limes.  I don't get over there as often as I'd like, but today I think I needed these little kid's hugs and laughter more than they needed mine.  Thanks little ones.  And thank you crappy tv and turkey sandwich for convincing me that I'm not dead.  




Maria said…
This blog made me so for two reasons:
1). You described the attitudes of IGA workers so perfectly.
2). I miss the island...I don't know what it is but lately I miss it like crazy.

Ash, seriously, enjoy it as much as you can. The island has a special spirit that I haven't been able to feel since I left Grenada. Maybe it's the fact that I live in hectic you really want to move here?
Miss you! Glad you went to the Limes. Those kids need you there. Love you!
-Kelsey Coghill said…
that picture of Kyle is precious!! Thanks for coming!! hopefully once we get settled in the building things will run a little smoother!!
Kalli said…
I love your skinny butt.

Come home, let's be best friends.
Reece said…
haha, glad to know you're not dead and that the IGA workers actually are capable of smiling

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