
This movie left me alone tonight, weepy and soggy.

One of the most profound movies I've ever seen about the quiet reverence that blankets our departures from this life and the joyful meaning we can find while we're still living. It's a Japanese foreign language film, so I doubt that very many of you will sit through two hours of this (although I really wish you would!) I promise you won't regret it. For those of you who don't have time to watch it, enjoy a bit of the breathtakingly beautiful cello music from the film...

Here you go.


Brandon said…
Amazing! Such passion within each bow stroke. I am going to look for this movie and hopefully watch it this weekend! Thanks!
Ohh! I'm excited to check this out! Thanks for posting this Ash!!
Can't wait to hang with you in NY either!! Hurry up and get out here!!! We need to do another girls night!

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