The Arctic Awaits

We're still here.

Counting down the days until we fly out of this inferno and land in the arctic tundra of Salt Lake.

The Christmas music I keep playing probably isn't helping Blair focus on his studies.

I've been busy taking pictures for our charity project.

Blair is still preparing for this apparent doctor gig.

We are in the kickball semi-finals tomorrow. I know...this is big.

In other news, we decided to participate in the charity project by getting some pictures taken of ourselves. Don't laugh. If we watch a few more America's Next Top Model episodes we might get this model stuff down.


Maria said…
You two are so adorable and so photogenic. I have to say you are looking so pretty Ash. I love that your hair is getting longer. Please come move here so we can have fun. Specially come move to the Upper East Side. Good luck to Blair on his finals!
jaci said…
So gorgeous. Your hair is so beautiful!
Those are great pictures! I love your hair. You guys look like you're having fun. I'm jealous
Laurie said…
Those are the cutest pictures ever! I love how long your hair is Ashley. You are so photogenic. Do you have any layovers in Houston on your way to the arctic?
Richards Fam said…
Great photos! And by the way, the Bills' photos look like they belong in a magazine. Seriously, they are THAT GOOD! Well I miss you already. Any yes, the Arctic does await. It was a blizzard the day I arrived!! Love you!
Ah I love the middle picture! the light is fantastic! it looks sooo pleasant!
Mike and Kim said…
You guys are so cute :)
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I'm so glad you liked the photos enough to put them on your blog. You guys have the posing down...thanks ANTM!!!!
Nothing to laugh about when seeing these pictures...they are so seriously gorgeous!!! Can we just swap places for Christmas?? I'm ready for some tropical weather about now, seeing we're buried in a foot or more of snow already!!! :-)

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