Ledge Friends

In ninth grade me, Blair, and McCall were best friends. In a weird sort of way I guess. McCall was my best girl friend. Blair was my best guy friend that I decided I shouldn’t “go out” with anymore until we turned sixteen and were old enough to date. As a side note, that “going out” didn’t really come at sixteen. The official “going out” came when we were twenty three and had proved that our friendship could survive letter writing for three years, other relationships, and two foreign countries. And we got married six months later. Strange…

Where was I? Oh yes, our bizarre trio of a friendship.

One night the three of us walked down to Burton Elementary and sat on the grass. McCall was crying and saying she was going to run away from home. I have no idea why; probably because her mom wouldn’t buy her those ugly Marilyn Manson red contacts. Her dad was an optometrist and she was always into weird things like zebra-striped contacts.

Blair chimed with less emotion that he wanted to run away from home too. Again, I have no idea. He might have been trying to make McCall feel better. Or maybe he was mad at his dad for showing up at Sam Allen’s party wearing his pajamas and telling Blair that he was late for curfew.

Pretty soon I started leaking salty splashes too. Not because I wanted to run away, but because I didn’t know how I could live without my two best friends. The thought just never occurred to me that I could pack my bags and leave my nutty family behind. Oh the teenage theatrics… Luckily, I talked McCall and Blair down from their runaway ledges - ledges that they probably weren’t even teetering on anyway.

The point is…I’m grateful for close friends. Close friends that understand me and talk me down from life’s ledges. Today was a cry for absolutely no reason day. Do you have those? Oh man, I have those all too frequently here. I simply don’t know what I would do without my ledge friend, Stefani. I always know that she’s twelve wooden stairs away whenever I need those rare spices that my recipes call for or a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes I’m too prideful to ask for help and admit that I need people. But I’m learning to peel off the layers of have-it-togetherness and reveal my vulnerabilities, my fears, and my insecurities. It’s a good feeling to let yourself need people and feel close to them. We need to let people help us. Stefani’s not the only one. So many of you have been true friends to me throughout my whole life. Today I just wanted to say thanks. I’m grateful today for ledge friends.

I love you all.


mccall said…

i remember that night so differently. i'm pretty sure you & blitz were the bawl babies wanting to run away from home! if i remember correctly, you were grounded because you used lindsay's shampoo. i was only there so that the two of you lovebirds didn't feel guilty sneaking out and being alone together.

nevertheless, i miss those late night talks with my two best friends. who now live together... whithout me. hmph.

ps. whatever happened to my Marylin Manson contacts? :-p
Richards Fam said…
I'm so happy to be your ledge friend, your Grenadian sister, and your compound sharing baking wife, sister Kathryn. Whichever role I'm privileged to play for our shenanigans at the time, I love you to death!
Brandon said…
Asah, As always, you seem to hit me to the core and are able to, so eloquently, say what I need to say before I say it. I am defintely grateful for friends who will talk to me while they are supposed be studying about worries and concerns that are troubling me, and who are able to give such great advice in return. It's so hard to find good, true, soul-friends that you can "bare all" to and not worry about being judged or ridiculed. You know who you are....Thanks, Buddy!
Ashley said…
McCall - I was ALWAYS grounded for using my sister's shampoo! haha! I miss you. Can't wait to live closer.
sweet post! those are the friends that last forever!!

BTW: when did I ever have my "own" shampoo? bummer...i missed that one :-)
Blair said…
Wait a minute. You've all got your facts wrong:

A. It was Kearstin's shampoo she had purchased with her own money and it was something like the 3rd time Ash had used it.

B. I was obviously the one that was calm and collected that night. I might have said something like "My dad and his pajamas, eh?", just to make you guys feel like you both weren't nuts.

and C. I don't think we were in the 9th grade. More like ... 7th. I was waaay too cool for both of you by 9th grade.

yup. that's how it happened.
Maren said…
I'm with Blair... I think it was 8th grade or 7th. You guys are nerds and I love it. I'm sad I didn't join in on these fun times :(
-Kelsey Coghill said…
Hey Ash I have been reading this blog & thought you might enjoy it too http://bloggingprojectrunway.blogspot.com/
it's fun to read everyone's angry comments, NO one wanted Gretchen to win... and the most recent post is interesting, the outfit is shown with a necklace & then without during the runway show.
Willis Family said…
Why was shampoo so important back then? Oh brother! Wish I could go back and do a few things different. Sis, you can come and use my shampoo ANYTIME!
Marce said…
i loved this post. i really like thinking of you as an emotional seventh grader. and blair too. and mccall too. so funny. you guys are so cute.

p.s. is it possible for you to be my ledge friend via blogs? somehow your words always inspire me and make me want to be better. and less lazy. and more grateful. thank you for being YOU. i love your big heart.

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