Tid Bits: Scottish Version

Today I was thumbing through my little blue notebook that I scribbled in during our three week backpacking trip through Europe. I think I already mentioned that I wrote in it furiously every day, jotting down funny happenings and interesting things that we were learning. I originally wanted to share all of those things on the blog, but then I worried I would bore everyone into a sleepy coma. I didn't want to be responsible for someone drowning in their cereal bowl as they read my mundane posts during breakfast. But today I wanted to share a few last things about Scotland.

Scotland's road signs are peculiar and yet vital to the safety of its inhabitants.

Red Squirrels

I don't know what red squirrels are, but they sound pretty scary.

Some of my other favorite signs were:

"Two carriageway ahead" (I think this means two-lanes ahead...Or I somehow missed the carriages from the 1800's on the freeway)

"Layby" (I think that's the pull out lane)

"Frustration can cause accidents!" on a huge flashing neon sign. I kid not. Vital message I tell you.

"Heavy Plant Crossing" ....I'm sorry, what?

As we walked down the adorable Royal Mile, I dragged Blair into a seemingly charming children's toy store. We laughed at some of the old fashioned toys in the front of the store and then headed to the back of the store. Anyone who knows me is aware that I have an unhealthy fear of two things: cockroaches and child mannequins. So you can imagine my horror when I saw these monsters in front of me. Try not to scream out-loud if you're reading this at work or the library.

Scary Mannequins

Are you still breathing? I'm not.

That little girl looks like she's going to eat an infant for lunch with those demon eyes. As if that weren't bad enough, I turned around to see some grandpa mannequin with his chucky-faced grandson on his shoulders. I have shivers just looking at these pictures now.

Scary Mannequins 2

And last of all, just to help you to not have nightmares about the Scottish chucky dolls, ever wonder what the Scots wear to prom?

Scottish Prom



Maria said…
Haha..I love this post...and it's not boring at all. There are some weird things in the Royal Mile. Those child mannequins are way freaky. Keep the Europe stories coming!
Seriously laughing out loud right now!!! Those statues are fiercly scary and hilarious at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So funny...I am consistenly jealous of all your exciting adventures!! Love reading your blog :-)
Laurie said…
I'm so glad you were driving around without knowing what any of the signs meant ;)

Those mannequins are pretty freaky!
Ok...those mannequins are too life like ;-) Scary!! Keep the stories coming...I'm visiting Europe vicariously through your stories and pictures!! LOVE YOU!
Krista said…
Wow, I love the street signs. Red squirrels...that does sounds scary. Love reading your blog, always a good laugh.
Blair said…
I don't know how I missed the giant rabbit's foot accessory on the Scottish kilt. Niiice. Future Christmas present?
Casey said…
Oh my gosh! Those kid mannequins are the scariest ones I have ever seen! AHHH!!!
Juli said…
I just found your blog, and this post made me laugh out loud!!...probably woke up my kids! Thanks for the laugh!! Oh, and I love your photography! Gorgeous!

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