Back From Europe: London Episode 1

Well, we're back from our three week hiatus and just about done brushing the European soil off of our shoes. We had the absolute trip of a lifetime as we toured London, Scotland, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal! My husband is a Rick Steves disciple and decided long ago that we were doing this trip in Steves' style. This means that each of us packed one backpack each, filled with five shirts, two pairs of pants, a pair of shoes, underwear, detergent, a clothesline to hang the clothes we'd wash in our hotel, and a few other bare essentials. So if it seems like I'm wearing the same outfit in all of the subsequent pictures...that's because we were wearing the same clothes every three days. I know...we're classy like that.

I took a pocket-size notebook on our trip and scribbled down the events of each day along with embarrassing moments, historical facts, and quirky characteristics of each country. I've decided to share my little notebook with you. I hope you enjoy learning about some of these countries and sharing in our trip with us. I'll try to post one or two day's worth of travels at a time.

Our first day we flew from Grenada to London, changed our clothes in the airport and took a taxi to the temple. We hadn't been to the temple in months and we were so excited to be there again together. When we arrived at the temple, there was a beautiful stone wall out front absolutely smothered in purple lilacs. The air was fresh and crisp and the sound of English accents rang through my ears. I giggled as I heard a four-year-old girl say, "that is just lovely!" and that's when I knew we needed to start seriously talking about moving to England permanently.

London Temple

temple gardens


Blair temple

train station

After we ate lunch, we strolled around the temple grounds and then caught a train to London. The green countryside with the quaint farms and cottages were adorable. All of the uniform-clad kids getting on and off the train looked like they had just gotten done with exams at Hogwarts, although I didn't see any brooms.

By the time we got into London that night, most of the places were closing down. We hopped on a city bus tour and learned about all of the historical sites. Then we ate at Wagamama's (thanks for the tip, Maren!) and headed back to our hotel for some zzzzz's.

London Black & White

Westminster Abby BW

bus tour


Up tomorrow: Portobello Market, Royal Palace, Bird pooping on me, Les Miserables, and more...



Laurie said…
That sounds awesome Ashley! I can't wait to hear more, especially about the skinny dipping story. I love all your pictures, and I'm glad you are back home safe and sound.
Arien said…
Beautiful pictures! Looks amazing. Someday we will get there-hopefully!
Jen said…
Gorgeous Pictures!
Brett said…
Awesome pics! Can't wait to read about the rest of your trip!
Casey said…
I love your black and white (or more sepia) pics!! So gorgeous!!

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