Two Headed Monsters

Do you and your spouse have ridiculous facial expressions that only the two of you do together? I'm sure you do. Maybe if it's not a facial expression, it's an inside saying or joke. Blair and I have a face. I don't know when it started and there aren't certain parameters around when the face can be used. But it's generally used when we're doing something dorky, or when we say something painfully obvious.

Oh wait! I just remembered when it started.

It all started with a girl that got kicked off of So You Think You Can Dance. In her interview after she got kicked off, she burbled her sad tale with her front teeth pertruding on top of her quivering lips. Her southern drawl blurted out: "Now I have to go back home to Arkansas and there's nothin' there!"

That's when it all started. This horrible face that my husband and I make on a daily basis was partly our imitation of this poor girl. We think it's the most hilarious thing in the world.

Until tonight.

When we decided to take a picture of us doing the face just to see what it looked like.

Close your eyes, children. This is a tad frightening.

Oh dear.

And suddenly I have before my eyes what people in the grocery store, the movie line, and our next door neighbors see when we do this hideous face. We also realized that we both (particularly me!) look sadly similar to the two-headed monster on Willow! Do you remember that thing?

It's sad, really. How similar we are in appearance.

It's a sad day in the Willis household. Just a pair of two-headed monsters sitting here brushing our buck teeth and climbing into bed.

Goodnight sad girl in Arkansas. I hope you found something to do there in your hill billy town.

I guess we've gotten what we deserved for making fun of you.


Reece said…
Ashley! I just found your blog and this made me laugh out loud, literally! I would never guess that picture was of you... thanks for the laugh!:-D
mccall said…
i have tears rolling down my cheeks! I can't gain control.!
Krista said…
Oh Willow...such a classic. Love the face. stomach hurts! you guys are hilarious!
that reminds me when we did the taped piggy noses and sent them to you on your mission!

the similarity with the monsters are the best!! MISS YOU!!
Jenae said…
Before I check your blog each day, I normally make my husband come and join me at the computer to get a laugh at your blog...well, you really succeeded today!! We both got a good laugh at that. I wouldn't have thought that you could possibly pull such a face Ashley! :)
Emily & Kyle said…
Can I just say that glancing at your blog just makes me smile? You two are great!
jaci said…
i am laughing so hard i am crying! seriously! ash...that's classic. you are brave for posting that for all to see. love it.
Blair said…
You have hereby been subpoenaed to a family council tonight at 9:00 to discuss improper use and display of illegally obtained photography.
Richards Fam said…
I'm so impressed you were brave enough to post this, I hardly recognize either of you! Hilarious!!
Brittney said…
So you are really brave.
Laurie said…
yes, yes, I do see a bit of resemblance there.

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