Hershey Kiss Halloween

Hope you had a Happy Halloween! From our Hershey Kiss heads to yours...

(I know - low budget costumes are our specialty. Call for your free low budget consultation next year.)


Love it!! The homemade ones are the best and most memorable!!
Can't wait to see you soon...XOXO!
Tanya_Tingle said…
Ashley - I am sitting in my office and just smiling over your creativity - Hershey Kiss costumes..... this is definitely something you can share with your kids in the future (when they are wanting to spend big bucks on 'store-bought' costumes. Glad you guys had a little fun on Halloween. Tanya Tingle
Hale-O There said…
Ash I love catching up on your posts. I am looking forward to watching the movie clip you posted, I enjoyed the eat pray love book she wrote. you look like a great Kiss;)
Arien said…
So funny!!! Creative!

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