Binge Listener

I decided I should reciprocate the musical favor. These are by no means my top favorite songs of all time (I don't know how I would make that list). But these are my recent favorites. My problem with music is that I'm a bit of a binge listener. I find a song that I'm obsessed with, I have a love affair with the song as I listen to it over and over again for days, and then after a month or so I don't want to listen to it for a decade. Is anyone else a music binger? That's not even a word. Who cares.

If you're out there. Send help soon.


First up is Ms. Ingrid Michaelson. I'm in love with her voice and her lyrics. As I type I'm listening to her song Breakable. Lovely song about how fragile our hearts are.

I don't know what the rest of this soundtrack is like, but I love the acoustic version of
I Fell In Love Without You.

Oh Regina. Your songs break my heart and I love you for it. I've been listening to Braille lately.

I've never been a huge FRAY fan, but lately I'm enamored with That's Enough For Now and This Is Where The Story Ends.


Maria said…
Matt is the same. Drives me crazy because we like the same music and he plays the songs over and over again. I've never heard of the song I fell in love without you but it sounds good. Thanks for the recommendations. Ash, I am going to miss you. You are such an amazing person!
Brett said…
Thanks Ashley, those are all good recommendations! I'm buying some of them on Itunes at this very moment.
Brett said…
oops, not Brett... Laurie :)
grandma holding said…
Did you grow tired of Lorenna McKennit?
Ashley said…

The fact that your screen name is Grandma Holding always throws me off. lol. Can you change it? It kind of creeps me out.

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