Eat, Pray, And I Love This.

Ever since I watched this brilliant speech on my Diva friend's blog, I've told several people about it. This is the author of the book 'Eat, Pray, Love'. No one has ever called me a 'genius', but her speech gave new meaning to that phrase and what it means to have a creative mind. Take twenty minutes to watch this instead of The Young And The Restless. You'll love it.


Krista said…
Actually I prefer 'Days of Our Lives', but just your luck it doesn't start for another hour so I guess I'll check out his video.:)
Laurie said…
Thanks Ashley, I enjoyed this. I also really like the title of your post. Very creative ;)
Ashley said…
I was hooked on Days of Our Lives one summer, Krista. Oh my. Those soaps are like heroin. Nothing happened the entire summer, but that stupid show sucked me in I tell you.
Maria said…
Thanks for posting her talk. I watch talks on TED all the time and I don't know how I missed her talk. Love it! Ole!
noelle regina said…
i read epl on the honeymoon. LOVED it. also, i LOVE days of our lives. like have been watching since i was 2. know the original bo and roman and billy... hate the new kids. love lucas, remember when he saw carrie wearing sammy's shirt and thought sammy slept with austin -DISASTER.
Ashley said…
noelle - can't stop laughing. I was in love with Austin in jr. high.
Marce said…
Ash-- if you really do watch glee, please don't judge me for tolerating its explicit content... Know that I do not condone premarital sex, affairs, or homosexuality. :) (yes this show has a lot of garbage).

Phew. So glad I got that off my chest.
Marce said…
Ps- I think you should be my genius.
Ashley said…
Marci - stop being such a ninny! I couldn't care less what you watch! I'd still love you just the same. I was just surprised the first time I watched Glee because it wasn't exactly the Buttercream Gang flick I was expecting. The shows I watch (The Office, SYTYCD, and the occasional Greys Anatomy) all have their fare share of inappropriate content. I'm in no position to judge anyone I assure you. I love ya girl!!

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