All Aboard, Sailors!

Blair told me I can't swear on the blog anymore. I laughed when he told me that.

You don't swear out-loud, says he. Everyone is going to think you're a sailor.

And so to all you readers (all five of you) who may be offended by my occasional use of the 'd' word, please accept my utmost apologies. It's just that I hardly think before I write, and if this favorite swear word comes to mind as I seek to express an emotion, by golly those four letters find themselves on the screen in front of me. Sometimes I think to hit backspace, but then I feel like I'm not being honest in my writing.

At any rate, per my husband's request I will try to be more righteous.

Damn swear words.

I'm just kidding, Blair.

No more.



Laurie said…
Your funny. And good for Blair, you were getting way out of line. ;)
Kolette said…
I shouldn't admit it, but I liked it Ashley. Reminded me of Grandma Brown and her occasional use of four letter words!
Angie said…
I'm not afraid to admit it and I like your sailor mouth!
Krista said…
I found it qutie liberating. Someone else also thinks in swear words once in a while. You can tell Blair its o.k. with us.
Zane and Lexi said…
oh bummer - I got a kick out of it :)
Kalli said…
I this is why Blair is married to someone like you rather than a sailor mouthed truck driver verbaged lady like myself
Maria said…
I thought it was pretty funny. I am not going to tell you what I think b/c Blair will not like me. I loved your previous post. You have such a beautiful way of putting your thoughts into words. You better start on that book soon!
Marce said…
I personally prefer sailor Ashley but I guess blair's opinion is more important than mine :)

I love your hilarious soul.
Ali Snow said…
I think you have more than five readers :)
mccall said…
damn it, blair. you always have to ruin our fun.
Brittany said…
Oh, you make me laugh! The one time that I swore when we first got married, Joe told me he was disappointed...I haven't sworn since. Those boys have such a hold on us! :-)
Ashley said…
You're a much better person than I am, Brittany. I would have laughed at Joe.
Brandon said…
I think that your occasional use of a certain 4 letter D word is hilarious, and I think, that it gives a little dimension and emotion to your posts. I could think of worse words you could say than DAMN. Kiss Blair, tell him you'll try....just don't tell him how hard you'll try....JUST KIDDING. You're not going to let him read this are you?.... That 4 letter word isn't offending, you can tell him that not one of your readers think so, but good for you for trying. LOL.

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