Freedom Friday
I've always been a little bit of a stress case. I distinctly remember crying myself to sleep at least two times in second grade. The first time was because I was worried that I wouldn't get 100% on my times table test. The second time was because I needed to choose whether I wanted to keep taking ballet classes and I was worried sick that if I made the wrong decision, it would ruin my life forever. I'm not sure if my parents knew what a cotton headed ninnymuggen I was. Reason tells me they were oblivious to my worrywart episodes else they might have sought professional help for me.
Years have past and although my little mind is often still drenched in worry, it's usually for good reason. You see, my mind has been taken hostage lately by thoughts of the future of our country. The more I study history and watch current events unfurl, the more I feel like the bedrock of our civilization is slowly being buried underneath the treacherous sands of false progress. And this slow burial of truth keeps me up at night.
But a worrywart like me is left with eyes peeled in the middle of the dark, questioning what kind of impact one so small hopes to have in the world. I don't have perfect answers and quite frankly there are a lot of things that I don't have an answer to at all. Yet I know a few things. And those truths are worth speaking up about.
My wise mother has always counseled me to speak up. In the end, that's probably all that we can do. In honor of my mother's counsel, every Friday post on this blog will be devoted to freedom. 'Freedom Friday' we'll call it. Freedom Friday is about choosing to be active participants in our society. It's about discovering what our national and personal 'bedrocks' are and fighting for them. Each Friday I will post something about our constitution, our history, and the principles that this nation was founded upon. I encourage you to do the same. Our beliefs don't have to be the same - I suspect and hope that they won't all be the same. But if we don't know what we are and if we don't fight to maintain the integrity of what we are, we deserve what we get. If we march down the road of serfdom, at least the history books won't say that some of us didn't march kicking and screaming the whole way.
I hope you'll join me next Friday in our first posts for freedom.
God bless America.
Love you much!!
PS: Let's send that VHS dance tape to SYTYCD next year!
Long blonde hair...oversized heart pink shorts...and a roger rabbit move that will knock the socks off any judge! You're bound to land a spot in the top 20-for sure! :-) Love you sis!