Need a Comb?

I kind of love that my hair stylist's name is Trudy. Her name makes me feel like Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias, gossiping with my hairdresser while my scalp sweats under the space machine hair dryer. Trudy asks me every time I find myself in her swivel chair what my heart desires. I routinely respond by saying, "Don't make me look like a mom, Trudy. I wanna be hip. Can you make me hip, Trudy?" I dare say that as much as I love gabbing with my darling stylist, she has given me the mom cut quite frequently. No offense to all you moms out there - you know what hair style I'm talking about. So when I paid her a visit last week, I asked her to make the color a little more funky. And by golly she succeeded. I was feeling a little more funktified for a few days, but yesterday I decided to take it to the next level. I got out the old flat iron and tried to do the whole messy/frizzy/semi-curly short hair do. I walked out of the house feeling a new breeze of hipness in my stiletto step and a smidgen like I had strategically placed my finger in the light socket...and then I arrived at work. My Argentinian friend, Jorge, who drives the shuttle from the parking lot to the building pulled up alongside my car to pick me up. As I hopped into the shuttle, Jorge quizzically looked at me and said, " look different today." Then with an expression of a sudden stroke of an idea, Jorge reached into his pocket. With the most innocent and genuine expression I've ever seen, he pulled a black comb out of his jeans and said, "Do you need to use my comb?" He wasn't kidding.... No joke. I laughed non-stop until we arrived at the doors of my building and I'm still laughing about it now. Farewell, day of hipness. So long my days of sexy frizzy hair.

Welcome back, Mom hairdo :(


Kandyce said…
Ha ha ha, that's hilarious Ashley! I wish you would have taken a pic of your hair, I bet it looked great. Don't give up on your funktified side! ;)

And I LOVE Steel Magnolias...such a classic! :)
Laurie said…
I was laughing as I read this. I made Brett come read it too. He said he could hear you laughing. Miss you, wish we lived closer so we could have movie nights or something.
Kalli said…
oh dude, have I been there a time or two...

embrace the mom, like a stylist once told me: "it's only a mom haircut if you act the part and I see you're not wearing mom jeans and crocs so we're all good"

at least you still get to wear stilettos, mine are just gathering dust these days!
I can't stop laughing!!
I wish so badly you had a picture!

Don't feel bad...I've had my hair pulled up in a bun for the last 3 days. Talk about your mom-do.
Dustin walks in to a scene from Anne of Green Gables everyday with my dated do's!

You're still a hottie!
Brittney said…
Some of us have that look thankful it's not eternal.
Maren said…
Uh... I think we should have had a picture along with that post. You are hilarious Ash! I sure do miss you!
Marce said…
oh my gosh, i loved this so much that i read it to my hubby mike outloud, and i laughed even harder the second time. you are SO funny, ash. i love knowing you :)
Thanks for giving me a good laugh this morning! That story is hilarious and I can relate to that story far too well. I wish I could have seen a picture of the hip, "non-mom" look! Non of us want to have "mom" haircuts, "mom" jeans or anything else "mom". Let me know if you ever find that fountain of youth I think we're all searching for in some way or another!

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