Time Travelers Anonymous

Dear Lost,



I'm giddy. And by the way, I totally believe in time travel.


Milk said…
Whoa, hey watch it, Spoiler Alert. Some of us are only on Season 3.
Paige said…
Oh man! I don't think I can wait another week! Pretty dang good! And I'm a believer too!
Rachel said…
Amazing??? I am so frustrated and confused. I hate time travel! My head hurts.
Ashley said…
lol. I knew you were going to write that, Rachel. Just embrace it. Embrace the complexity.
Kandyce said…
Everyone says I should get into this show. Maybe I should start...

Do you like Heroes?
I love lost! I can't wait to get home and watch it!!!
Laurie said…
That's what I'm talking about. Lost ROCKS the hippity hoppity hizouse.

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