Note to s(elf)

Today I stumbled upon this picture that was taken this same time last year.

Note(s) to self:

Self, you don't look good with brown hair.
Self, the only family or friend that can be trusted to give you an honest opinion is your mother. She's the only one who told you that you looked pasty white and semi-goth.
Self, think of this picture when you fork out the dough to maintain your golden locks of hair.
Self, I'll repeat - you don't look good with brown. hair.


mccall said…
Dork, you look DARLING with brown hair. No, I'm not lying to you... I'm your best friend - I'd give you the brutal truth. I do like you better as a blonde, but brown is a fun change for you!
Laurie said…
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Laurie said…
Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, I think you looked like snow white. Infact, I thought that was a picture of you now, and I was thinking, "Oh, doesn't she look cute!". So, Self, don't be so hard on yourself last year. You look good with blond hair too. So the only question now is, would you rather look like snow white, or Cinderella? You choose, both look nice if you ask me.
Jenae said…
I can understand where you're coming from... I had brown hair for about 3 months a few years ago and I look back at those pictures and think I'm better off sticking with blonde. I can understand you as a fellow blondie who also forks out big bucks for the locks! Your blog is so funny Ashley. I am not sure if I've told you this but I get on your blog knowing that I'll get a good laugh at your most recent post! I love it!
Kalli Ko said…
seriously, you look good in any color mah dear

i do think blonde is your true calling though...
Note to Ashley-- I liked the brown. Loved it actually:)
Kerry said…
I think you look lovely, and I totally agree with the Snow White comment. Then again, I'm partial to brunettes.
KO said…
I went really dark about 2 years ago and I keep kicking myself every time I see photos of that "phase." Definitely made a note to self NEVER to go dark again. What a funny post... totally can relate.

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