Goals Are For The Birds...And Me!

Hairy Hat

Goals for the week:

1. Do a hair-do other than a wet braid or a half bun at least two times. (I'm starting to look like I belong on Anne of Green Gables lately.)

2. Work-out at the gym at least three times for one hour. (Memo to me - talking with friends about the Modern Family season premiere party while standing NEXT to the treadmills does not count toward workout time. Nice try, fatty.)

3. Read a book.

4. Take book back to the library immediately so my late fee balance doesn't steadily outpace my savings account balance.

5. Do two photo-shoots and post about what in the world I learned.

6. Refrain from smashing my camera when I realize I don't know what the crap I'm doing behind that lens.

7. Reach outside of my comfort zone every day and document it.

8. Make yummy food for my man.

9. Make my man clean the dishes, take out the trash, and massage my feet after aforementioned food has been devoured. And then make me a chocolate dessert, dang it!
(Just kidding sweetie - it doesn't have to be chocolate).

10. Enjoy life! Don't let the mediocrity bug set in.

Have a wonderful week everyone!!


Maria said…
You really need to stop saying you don't know what you are doing behind the lens because you YOU DO KNOW it!! You crack me up Ash. You are an inspiration! I miss you!
Ali Snow said…
Those sound like great goals.

I wish we could watch Modern Family together. Love that show!

Next time you come to Utah, will you take pictures of my baby? You take such pretty pictures. Then, will you teach me how to use my camera?
Jamie said…
Your goals sound kind of like mine. I am glad I am not the only one with overdue fines, hair not being done, etc. :) Will you please send me a message or something about what you have done to get so good at photography. I love the one of the boats!

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